United States of America (Alfred F. Jones), Rgno Kingdom (Arthur Kirkland).
Nb: Role fast, incorrect written by me and America, grammatical errors and typos.
For Arthur liked the evening. It was so relaxing and quiet, qualities which he liked a lot. Too bad that that air was to ruin the poor stupid America, which at that moment he was criticizing his way to bake scones. He had just ended with that of what to drink for breakfast, after criticizing the tea for his poor taste. Arthur let out a sigh tired, a little concerned when they heard the words of his brother.
Alfred used to comment and criticize, but not for evil, every thing about England. It was so, perhaps he was too stupid to start a serious talk, or just do not know what to say. So he always tried to steer the conversation about the cooking of England, who felt bad. Actually, maybe not able to appreciate why after detachment from big brother, and began to eat at McDonalds or always messing around, did you lose your sense of taste.
Moreover, despite the youth of Alfred, and by his lack of maturity to understand that everything fatty acid and the food was really bad, he could not think that he had not yet tired of those eating habits so monotonous. Alfred was still talking when he stood up and put her hand on his shoulder.
\u0026lt;e 'was a pleasure to listen to you, Alfred. Now if I do not hurry up, the doorman will not make me come over! Remember that hotels close early for you Americans!>
Alfred whirled. \u0026lt;Hotels? Oh, yeah, you're here in a hotel, I'm sorry but I have a short memory>. Alfred knew that England was here for a brief visit, but he would like very much host it at home, it was still his brother. So he thought to make him lose time, at least had an excuse to accommodate him. But then he decided it was better to renounce, if sarebbre taken a lot, then came to the point: \u0026lt;hey, what do you say come to me tonight? Come on do not tell me no, you put me up for many years ... I want to return the favor! Maybe I'll see a horror movie that I just hiring!> Shot in a yes. He did not know why, but he wanted to spend some time with him. His presence made him happy.
front of the American request not know what to think. It made no sense the one who asked! Especially the part of the "return the favor." However, he thought he could just be an excuse to spend time with him. At that moment a nervous shudder trembled in his arm. It was he who had abbandonato.Se now if he came out with "I want to return the favor" did nothing but annoy the pride of English. He tried to relax and smile, even if you could see it was a fake smile. \u0026lt;Oh, Alfred, I think it will refuse. It is not the case, plus your apartment for one person, I where to sleep?> It was the first thing that was occurred, although in reality he would be pleased to spend an evening with his brother like the old days, even watching a horror. Alfred
there was a little hurt, but he realized that his brother had not yet forgiven the fact that they have abandoned. He could not hide a moment of sadness, but then resumed his smile, even if it was not a fully Soriso, maybe more like a grimace. \u0026lt;Well, maybe you're right. Then in my apartment is such a mess, a perfect English you are, I would jump out the window.> He chuckled. \u0026lt;Then, you better go, it's late, you will not want to spend the night in the street.> He concluded, was a bit sad, but definitely thought that once would have been able to forgive. \u0026lt;Uhm, ok. See you then. Byeee.> He greeted him ua hand resting on his head, trying to keep a smile. Then he began looking at the stars and the moon shining in the sky, dreaming. I wonder what he was thinking.
smiled. This meant that he really did not care anymore. Well. If the expected. So .... because there had been bad? Why should that be the name of his feelings at that time. The heart and his throat had closed and no one wanted to move. He shook ee nodded slightly, then noting that the American had the thought in the clouds. \u0026lt;idiota...> He called it, though his head was totally opposed to that action. \u0026lt;... Actually in the hotel where I had to stay was full. Tonight I sleep in a Motel ...> Gran pretty stupid excuse. How could she say something so foolish?
\u0026lt;oh bene, I wish you good luck for tonight allora...> He decided to let him know that Motel Amercan could hide all just to see his reaction, perhaps would agree to sleep with him. The desiderva so much, but England seemed detached ... He did not know what to do. It took courage and remade it: \u0026lt;if you want you can come to me ... Just for this night. I say to you ...> then crashes. He realized that was not to be insistent. \u0026lt;Ah, sorry, forget it! Have a go now, it's late, very late ...> Once again he felt a bit sad but decided to hide his feelings. \u0026lt;C-hello, Arthur. Good night.> Completed walked home.
He did not know if Alfred was totally stupid or just naive. Had virtually asked if he could stay with him, inventing the story of the motel, because all this rest? Arthur knew that he was proud. However he decided that it was useless to speak indirectly and his brain, although he had not drunk that night, led him in a gesture really against his English pride. He took a corner and took his jacket sel skin with your hand, stop. By monitoring the eyes down, whispered something to do with safety. \u0026lt;accetterei...volentieri l'invito te, to sleep if you have not risen to l'hai mezzo....solamente because I have a lot of money me!!> indicated, finally, just to be obnoxious. Besides, when Arthur is embarrassed tends to be grumpy. However, little mattered at this point. Alfred had to know him well. Would understand.
Alfred was amazed. His face lit up and a smile appeared on his face. He put a hand on Arthur's shoulder and said, hiding for a little joy quell'immnensa: \u0026lt;'ve finally accepted it? I am very happy ...> blushed a little, and stopped for a second. He did not want to demonstrate that his brother was very happy, and waiting for this day for a lot. Yes, it was a bit of time that Alfred, wanted to spend more time with Arthur, because even if American did not want to admit it was proud, he loved so well. \u0026lt;Ahem, I mean you've done well to accept my proposal! You would not have survived even a moment such a place.> He chuckled to himself. \u0026lt;bene, then let's just like old casa, tempi, fratellone.> Then he went with him to his small apartment on the outskirts. The usual
Alfred. He managed to keep that smile a little amused that he would have moved a little ticked at that time. As if he had not realized it was over the moon. He wanted to reproach him, flies dirgliero that is understood, however, remained silent, enjoying the warm feeling. \u0026lt;I survive? I am an Englishman, my dear! We English always survive!> Alfred Arthur was always walking up and back slightly, as if he had shall need a conductor. We had spent time in America, but Arthur had not forgotten a few streets. The Englishman stared at the huge back of Alfred, sighing and smiling. She remembered when she called him brother, but maybe he was destroying something. It shook. She hated to remember the past. So did some hasty step, having lost some ground. He wondered when they arrived, the fatigue was beginning to weigh on him.
\u0026lt;Ehi, We see them here is home arrivati, mia!> opened the gate, and then arrive on our doorstep. He paused for a moment, thinking that Arthur would have certainly blamed the whole mess that was. \u0026lt;Not Scare you eh!> It was decided to open. The house was not a disaster, worse. Dirty dishes, clothes everywhere, movies and video games made in the most unthinkable. Alfred turned red with shame. \u0026lt;Eeeh, Do not pay attention to casino...> said embarrassed. Her little buddy was asleep on the couch. 'I'll sleep on the floor, left my room for you.> Alfred would have liked him a lot of questions, was also tempted me ask you to sing the famous nianna nanna, who always listened to a child. But it was great for these things, and knew that Arthur did not like to replay the past, when he merely said: \u0026lt;There is a bathroom and close the chamber. For any question please feel free to call me. Night.> He finished by going to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Explain
impressions of Arthur Jones when he entered the house is impossible. Literally threw open his eyes and almost the mouth. Dirty clothes everywhere, dishes a week even to wash (which, among other things, they were always just as mangiari Mac, but the smell was not little and not matter), video games and films scattered appertutto of ... Then he remembered that he was still talking to Alfred. Must expect that too. He grimaced, then enter fully into the apartment. Alfred said he would sleep on the floor and that would leave the bed. Alfred is not selfish? However, it did not like. \u0026lt;No, I'll let you sleep on the floor, you'll catch a cold. Otretutto then this is your house!> He said, almost scolding, and then get into the kitchen and putting his elbows on the counter for a better look. Was grown. It was damn grown.
Alfred was quietly drinking a glass of water, when he found himself staring at his brother with a smile. At first no one noticed, but then embarrassed, turned red as a tomato, and spit all the water in front of him. He did not know why, but he felt embarrassed, something that had never happened before. \u0026lt;Huh? That is something I do? Why do I stare so?> He said to try to hide the real reason why he had become red. \u0026lt;Anyway, no. You are my guest, I could never let you sleep on the floor! And then I'm accustomed to the cold, quiet.> assolutemnte did not want him to miss anything. \u0026lt;And Bene, if you do not like it will mean that you do not sleep insieme!> Alfred made no account of what he had just said. Sleeping together? Yes, he would have liked, but something had changed, of course. \u0026lt;Haha! Obviously it was a joke!> Said before turning his eyes elsewhere. \u0026lt;Davvero, Arrangierò me some modo, you're quiet and sit comodo.> then ran to the bathroom, and you sat on the ground, sad but also happy. Arthur sighed
amused when he heard the bathroom door shut violently, by enclosing it in the U.S.. At this point, would not say no to sleep with him. We thought for a moment and realized that this would not have done if he had wanted. He simply waited until the U.S. had powdered her nose and then told him what he thought. They were brothers. Why should he feel embarrassed? He repeated this in mind when he opened the fridge and found a bottle of beer. Mischievous smile and happy with the discovery and grabbed it, to open it and drink a long drink, as he walked to the couch to watch the alien sleeping blissfully. He arched an eyebrow and made a few more steps forward, taking another sip and sitting with their backs to the wall, to be more comfortable. \u0026lt;Alfred Six morto?> shouted, and then drink another sip.
Alfred was arranging a little bathroom, which was the most disorganized room of all. \u0026lt;Scusami Arhtur, subito!> Yes I go out quickly slipped, his boxer usual with the press of the American flag, and a shirt three times bigger than him. Then he quickly washed his teeth, and left. Big brother \u0026lt;Ehi, still drinking in quest'ora?> chuckled. \u0026lt;Prego The bathroom is all tuo.> Without even giving him time to respond went in his room, but instead of preparing the bed and stood in front of a box. It contained the wooden soldiers who had given Arthur, was a precious memory for him. If they did move her hands, and watching them could not suppress a few tears that slipped over his face. 'Oh
finalm..> He stopped to see Alfred firm and motionless in front of something that could not understand. He put the beer on the table and came up American, to try to understand what had moved. The nerves of the back were too tight. Alfred's face fell slightly, finding himself on a liquid damp fingers, and opened his eyes and then looking in the same direction. Check out what pain bothered him: The English soldiers who had given him when he was small. Scans for a second look from the figures for a few seconds to fixate on the shoulders of Alfred. He kept them still? He wondered, only to realize that this was The pattern of her tears. He looked American, and then, with a lot of insecurity and pain, to embrace the neck. \u0026lt;Ecco Because I hate to remember the passato, Alfred> said, returning to fixate on the shoulder on which he was now leaning English. Alfred
quickly wiped her tears. \u0026lt;Ah! No quiet, it's nothing.> English felt leaned on his shoulder. It was a nice feeling. The U.S. did not think twice, took Arthur's arm, and then hug him and hold you tight to herself. \u0026lt;S-scusa...> Alfred at that time could not control his actions, were the feelings that drove him. Broke away from his brother, he did not bother him. \u0026lt;E-hm, I prepared the bed, now we should go to sleep ... It 'really late.> He approached the door of the room but she turned for a moment: \u0026lt;A-Arthur, listens ... Hmmm, no nothing. A then-good night.>
Arthur sighed, and with the head slightly worried that burned. Alcohol disconnect beginning to take effect. He put a hand to steady the head while he put the other on the shoulder of the American, as for support. Rubbed his eyes and concentrated, I could feel the earth under your feet. \u0026lt;Sì, Alfred...penso I'll go to letto> fiocca voice said, taking the U.S. by the hand and pulling gently with him, then let go, now that was too weak even to be close. He walked with uncertain steps to the door of the bedroom, slowly turned his head he gave us wildly and if he felt the boil. \u0026lt;Danazione> Murmured, and then curse some other curse in English.
Alfred saw the English sway. He was already drunk after just one bottle of beer? The Affero by the hand, and put his arm around his shoulders. 'Oh Arthur, not good for you bere, get drunk infretta.> He took it and laid it on the bed. Put it under the covers, and stared at him for a while. He understood that was not very good. The put a hand on his forehead, it was very hot. 'Brother, you overcooked. You have a fever!> Starting to worry, he did not know what to do. Usually it was always he who took care of him as a young child, was ill. So he took a wet towel and put him on the forehead. \u0026lt;Arthur, you must rest quiet sleep, you're not very good. But I'll stay here beside you, and call me for anything!> He said with a serious tone and worried, and then sit on the floor beside the bed, without taking his eyes from his brother.
Well, he missed only a fever now. He grinned. An Englishman is not ill. An Englishman did not take care of someone, especially someone like America. But his thoughts were interrupted by a new dense and painful to the head. She closed her eyes violently, waiting for it to end violently and clutching the sheets, as if to transfer all his pain in that piece of cloth. When he began to fall, mumbled something, then to America with his hand. \u0026lt;A.Alfred...> His voice was weak and shaky.
When I heard the voice of Arthur, the American turned away. \u0026lt;Arthur, tell me, how are you? How do you feel? All right?> Home to worry more, kept his brother too, could not it be so bad. It was all red, and horribly burned. The squeezed her hand, and even though it was against his will, he lay in bed next to him. Ended up to embrace him. There have io, \u0026lt;Tranquillo, brother not to worry I'm here beside nulla, te, solo.> not leave you once again failed to hold back the tears, which were a mixture of happiness, sadness and concern. It meant everything to English really felt for him, and he knew that day would soon come.
could hardly hear so much that his head was confused and tried to articulate an answer to his brother's worried, though with little result. Despite the mess that's echoed in his head, he managed to notice that someone had entered the bed. Gently touch the body, cold in his opinion, by Alfred and felt a sense of security she had never felt before when he said that he would not be left alone. He sighed and, with much effort, managed to get closer to the American, laying his head on his chest as his hands. More around him, the more he felt relief. E this relief made him feel a little better, enough to make him pay the next most dense. \u0026lt;Not Never forsake più.> said in a whisper so low that he was afraid the American would not arrive. They were ... strange emotions she felt at that moment. Similar to when Alfred chose him and similar to when Alfred Francis jumped out of the house who was taking advantage of drunken English, saying that no one else would touch him, if not Arthur.
Alfred felt his brother lay on his chest. The squeezed. \u0026lt;No, Arthur, I will not abandon you. Never.> He said, sure, with tears in his eyes again. Not longer understood what was passing for the head. He only knew that her brother had to stay. To protect it, but above all to love him. Would do anything to make him feel happy, whatever. \u0026lt;Arthur, brother, I ... I love you.> He said the U.S. tightening more and more English in his arms.
Arthur sought only those that will envelop him in her arms to keep him close to him. What was all that desire, he did not know. He knew only that at that time, as well as for good, he wanted to be the only one for Alfred. The only one to which he concedesse this kind of attention. The only one I could give love. At that moment, his head began vortex, and then stop suddenly when he heard the words "I love you." At that moment, even the pain in my head ceased to ache, focusing instead on more receptive to those two words. He brought the American arm in a sling, and then holding in his hand a lock of his hair. \u0026lt;You said the same thing just before abandon. Relamente You can not love me, Alfred. .. I is not right for you ...> He said, then gave him a slight basin on the chest, then press the lips to the bottom, as if trying to get into him. At that moment, a tear was inevitable.
Alfred put his hand on the cheek of his brother. Why said it was not right for him? The dried her tears and then carefully lift her face toward him. 'I love you, Arthur. I've always loved, always. Why should I not be right for you? I just want you. I want near you, wherever you are. Arthur ...> was slightly turned red, Alfred wanted to be with him too. Do not give him anything, just him. He walked slowly to his face, and printed a delicate little kiss on the lips, then leaned back again on his chest. The American began to be shaken by many thoughts as he stared at the ceiling, gently stroking the hair of English.
Why was not right for him? He wanted to answer him, a kiss when he did go to another world. He felt his head and burn the throat, and he forgot to tell him what he wanted. All those words ... all that sweet ... he, himself, if not deserved. He'd always abused her brother. He had always overlooked and overshadowed. Another thick in the head. No. He did not care because more of. Now as he wanted. Because he loved America and had just discovered that it was reciprocated. He pushed the body of Alfred slightly back, to stretch and get in touch with the lips as you wish. After a few seconds in momorò Kiss: \u0026lt;Ti will blend fever così...>
\u0026lt;Never mind. I gotta be near as much as possible. That's all.> Fever or not did not matter to Alfred. Stragliati wanted to close, now and forever. And he wanted to try to make amends for having hurt in the past. \u0026lt;Listen Arthur ... Rest now.> He could not utter a word, it was damn happy to know that someone loved him. And that someone was really the most important person in his life. He squeezed more and more English on his chest, closing his eyes and affix the head up to Arthur. \u0026lt;Good night, my English sweet prince.> He said before falling asleep, happy and relieved.
Arthur, with the warm feeling of security that the U.S. sent him, was now almost in a dream world, united with those of Alfred. Wish you good night and felt her head lean against his, and at that time managed to fall asleep with a smile on his face. A smile that had been before. After the score. It found now. And that smile until the U.S. had not abandoned, which Arthur could not believe were possible, would remain visible. However, even this care. He cared at that moment they were together. Pff, like an icicle in the sun, it is also Arthur dissolved in contact with Alfred, contact that was probably reserved for him.
(c) Ecchan.