For example, open a newspaper to which was not used, will meet surprise.
looked over the large letters of titles read as follows: "Playing at his home on the violin of the night: 107 years old, was sentenced to 15 days of arrest." Distrustful poring over every syllable, but it did not me ...
crime in some way, connected with a passion for music??
turns out that some signora Armanda, which is really 107 years, not only had his her husband, but her son. This is a tragic fact ... Son was married, and thus left a widow daughter Armande. Both women live in very close proximity. Apartment former my daughters are over the flat violin, which, in turn, is a daily witness to the personal life of his son's widow. Cmiritsya that woman decided to link the life of another person, it was impossible for the former in-law. After several years of acrimonious debate, the mother decided to move from words to deeds.
waited until late at night, Signora attached hearing symphonic music at the loudest tones. Faced, but not enjoying the revenge full, she took the hands of its "mocking" the tool and deliciously played.
It could not last indefinitely, and former daughter in law gave her a court.
Court took into account the age and state of mind complying rest and replaced by a measure of restraint by a fine of 4,000 euros.
's a life story (free paraphrase).
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